
Best Moves In Pokemon Quest

All Moves and Movesets in Pokémon Quest

Every move and moveset each Pokémon can learn in Pokémon Quest.

In Pokémon Quest, it pays to know all of the moves and movesets each Pokémon tin can learn. This will aid yous spot a skillful Pokémon to catch, and a Pokémon that may demand some improvement. While you can bandy moves and teach new moves to your Pokémon, having a Pokémon with a expert set of starting moves can brand progressing through the game a lot easier.

As you evolve your Pokémon, they'll be able to learn fifty-fifty more than moves. In fact, some Pokémon in Pokémon Quest can have up to 11 moves in total! Looking to larn more than about the moves and movesets of the Pokémon yous ain in Pokémon Quest? We've got you covered. Below, you'll find a complete table of Pokémon (in the order of their Pokédex number) and their associated moves and movesets in Pokémon Quest!

Pokémon Quest - All Moves and Movesets

Below, y'all'll find a complete list of all Pokémon moves and movesets in Pokémon Quest.
© Game Freak
  1. Bulbasaur: Tackle, Synthesis, Petal Dance, Vine Whip, Toxic
  2. Ivysaur: Tackle, Synthesis, Petal Dance, Vine Whip, Toxic, Take Downward, Leech Seed, Toxicant Powder
  3. Venusaur: Tackle, Synthesis, Petal Trip the light fantastic toe, Vine Whip, Toxic, Take Downward, Leech Seed, Solar Beam, Mega Drain
  4. Charmander: Scratch, Fire Spin, Metal Claw, Ember, Fire Punch
  5. Charmeleon: Scratch, Fire Spin, Metallic Hook, Ember, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw
  6. Charizard: Scratch, Burn down Spin, Metal Claw, Ember, Fire Dial, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Flare Blitz, Burn Smash, Flame Charge
  7. Squirtle: Tackle, Bubble, Whirlpool, Withdraw
  8. Wartortle: Tackle, Chimera, Whirlpool, Surf, Aqua Band, Blizzard, Waterfall, Aqua Jet
  9. Blastoise: Tackle, Bubble, Whirlpool, Withdraw, Aqua Band, Blizzard, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet
  10. Caterpie: Tackle, Synthesis, Cord Shot, Take Down, Lunge
  11. Metapod: Tackle, Synthesis, String Shot, Take Down, Iron Defense force
  12. Butterfree: Tackle, Synthesis, String Shot, Silver Wind, Rage Powder, Harden, Electroweb, Lunge
  13. Weedle: Cord Shot, Tackle, Lunge, Toxicant Sting
  14. Kakuna: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Iron Defence
  15. Beedrill: String Shot, Tackle, Lunge, Poisonous substance Sting, Harden, Electroweb, Pin Missile, Iron Defense, Agility, Aerial Ace
  16. Pidgey: Gust, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Twister, Mud-Slap
  17. Pidgeotto: Gust, Cyclone, Tailwind, Twister, Mud-Slap, Hurricane
  18. Pidgeot: Gust, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Twister, Heat Wave, Agility, Roost
  19. Rattata: Tackle, Focus Energy, Scratch, Crunch, Accept Down
  20. Raticate: Tackle, Focus Energy, Scratch, Crisis, Atomic number 26 Tail, Zen Headbutt, Flame Bike
  21. Spearow: Leer, Accept Down, Aerial Ace, Wing, Growl
  22. Fearow: Leer, Accept Downwards, Aerial Ace, Fly, Drill Peck, Cyclone
  23. Ekans: Poison Sting, Leer, Rock Tomb, Mud Flop, Mud-Slap, Dig
  24. Arbok: Poison Sting, Leer, Stone Tomb, Convulsion, Crisis
  25. Pikachu: Thunderbolt, Spark, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle, Thunder Shock, Surf
  26. Raichu: Thunderbolt, Spark, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle, Thunder, Electric Terrain, Agility, Charge, Giga Impact
  27. Sandshrew: Dig, Sandstorm, Scratch, Metal Claw, Rollout
  28. Sandslash: Dig, Sandstorm, Scratch, Metallic Claw, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Fury Swipes
  29. Nidoran♀: Mud-Slap, Focus Free energy, Flatter, Growl, Sing
  30. Nidorina: Mud-Slap, Focus Energy, Flatter, Growl, Poisonous substance Sting
  31. Nidoqueen: Mud-Slap, Focus Energy, Flatter, Growl, Poison Sting, Supersonic, Venom Drench, Sludge Bomb, Stealth Rock
  32. Nidoran♂: Iron Tail, Rock Nail, Toxic, Take Downwards, Work Up, Growl
  33. Nidorino: Iron Tail, Rock Smash, Toxic, Amnesia
  34. Nidoking: Iron Tail, Rock Blast, Toxic, Amnesia, Taunt, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Megahorn
  35. Clefairy: Flash, Lite Screen, Rollout, Taunt, Amnesia, Take Down
  36. Clefable: Flash, Light Screen, Dazzling Gleam, Stealth Rock, Follow Me, Belly Drum
  37. Vulpix: Flamethrower, Charm, Flame Accuse, Ember, Roar
  38. Ninetales: Flamethrower, Charm, Flame Charge, Ember, Roar, Heat Wave, Volition-o-Wisp, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Confuse Ray
  39. Jigglypuff: Mega Punch, Rollout, Have Down, Flash, Sing
  40. Wigglytuff: Mega Punch, Rollout, Play Crude, Dynamic Punch, Bounce, Sweetness Kiss
  41. Zubat: Taunt, Leech Life, Gust, Whirlwind, Supersonic, U-Plow
  42. Golbat: Taunt, Leech Life, Gust, Whirlwind, Supersonic, Roost, Tailwind, Venom Deluge, Nasty Plot, Sludge Bomb
  43. Oddish: Petal Dance, Flash, Poison Powder, Stun Spore
  44. Gloom: Petal Dance, Wink, Poison Powder, Bullet Seed, Charm, Stun Spore, Synthesis
  45. Vileplume: Petal Trip the light fantastic toe, Wink, Poisonous substance Pulverisation, Bullet Seed, Amuse, Solar Beam, Mega Drain
  46. Paras: Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poisonous substance Pulverisation, Light Screen, Rage Pulverisation
  47. Parasect: Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poisonous substance Pulverization, Light Screen, Rage Powder, Agility, Metal Claw, Bullet Seed, Spore, Psybeam
  48. Venonat: Cord Shot, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Poison Pulverisation, Wink
  49. Venomoth: Cord Shot, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Poison Pulverisation, Gust, Supersonic, Psychic, Silver Wind
  50. Diglett: Growl, Stealth Rock, Mud Bomb, Dig, Mud-Slap
  51. Dugtrio: Growl, Stealth Stone, Mud Bomb, Dig, Mud-Slap, Convulsion, Sucker Punch, Stone Throw, Shore Up
  52. Meowth: Fury Swipes, Growl, Scratch, U-turn, Taunt
  53. Persian: Fury Swipes, Growl, Scratch, U-turn, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Night Slash, Play Rough, Roar, Flail
  54. Psyduck: Icy Wind, Whirlpool, Amnesia, Confuse Ray, Light Screen
  55. Golduck: Icy Current of air, Mud Bomb, Amnesia, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Psychic, Hydro Pump, Psybeam, Water ice Beam
  56. Mankey: Leer, Submission, Scratch, Fury Swipes, Taunt
  57. Primeape: Leer, Submission, Scratch, Fury Swipes, Taunt, Cantankerous Chop, Night Slash, Meditate, Shut Gainsay, Focus Energy, Mega Punch
  58. Growlithe: Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Ember, Flame Wheel, Roar
  59. Arcanine: Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Ember, Flame Wheel, Roar, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Crisis, Agility, Extreme Speed
  60. Poliwag: Surf, Waterfall, Flail, Bubble, Aqua Jet
  61. Poliwhirl: Surf, Waterfall, Flail, Chimera, Amnesia, Majority Up, Mega Dial
  62. Poliwrath: Surf, Waterfall, Flail, Chimera, Amnesia, Bulk Upward, Mega Punch, Water ice Punch, Power-Up Punch, Dynamic Punch
  63. Abra: Teleport, Psybeam, Light Screen, Flash, Barrier
  64. Kadabra: Teleport, Psybeam, Low-cal Screen, Flash, Barrier, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam
  65. Alakazam: Teleport, Psybeam, Low-cal Screen, Flash, Barrier, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Psycho Cut, Recover, Shadow Ball
  66. Machop: Rock Smash, Rolling Kick, Bulk Up, Submission
  67. Machoke: Rock Smash, Rolling Kick, Bulk Up, Submission, Work Up, Mega Punch, Cross-Chop
  68. Machamp: Rock Smash, Rolling Boot, Bulk Up, Cross-Chop, Work Upward, Mega Punch, Power-Up Punch, Dynamic Punch, Close Combat
  69. Bellsprout: Sludge Bomb, Bullet Seed, Razor Leafage, Synthesis
  70. Weepinbell: Sludge Flop, Bullet Seed, Razor Leafage, Synthesis, Stun Spore, Slam, Vine Whip
  71. Victreebel: Sludge Bomb, Bullet Seed, Vine Whip, Synthesis, Stun Spore, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam
  72. Tentacool: Poison Sting, Whirlpool, Barrier, Bubble, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb
  73. Tentacruel: Poisonous substance Sting, Whirlpool, Bulwark, Bubble, Icy Current of air, Sludge Flop, Supersonic, Hydro Pump, Misfile Ray
  74. Geodude: Flail, Harden, Tackle, Charge, Dig
  75. Graveler: Flail, Harden, Tackle, Self-Destruct, Dig, Rollout, Stealth Rock
  76. Golem: Flail, Harden, Explosion, Self-Destruct, Dig, Rollout, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Earthquake
  77. Ponyta: Bounce, Flame Accuse, Stomp, Self-Destruct, Agility
  78. Rapidash: Bounce, Flame Accuse, Stomp, Self-Destruct, Flamethrower, Fire Smash, Flare Rush, Megahorn, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin
  79. Slowpoke: Tackle, Zen Headbutt, Growl, Water ice Punch, Light Screen, Amnesia
  80. Slowbro: Tackle, Zen Headbutt, Growl, Ice Punch, Light Screen, Amnesia, Withdraw, Surf, Rest, Belly Drum
  81. Magnemite: Charge, Flash Cannon, Supersonic, Metal Sound, Electroweb
  82. Magneton: Charge, Wink Cannon, Supersonic, Metal Sound, Electroweb, Explosion, Light Screen, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Electric Terrain
  83. Farfetch'd: Swords Dance, Night Slash, Sky Set on, Sucker Punch, Gust, Tailwind, Steel Fly, U-plough, Roost, Heat Wave
  84. Doduo: Drill Peck, Flail, Growl, Take Down, Agility
  85. Dodrio: Drill Peck, Flail, Growl, Take Down, Aerial Ace, Work Up, Swords Dance, Tri Attack, Tailwind
  86. Seel: Have Downwardly, Blizzard, Lick, Growl, Surf
  87. Dewgong: Accept Down, Blizzard, Lick, Growl, Rest, Aqua Ring, Slam, Aurora Veil
  88. Grimer: Venom Drench, Slam, Tackle, Acid Armor, Toxic
  89. Muk: Venom Drench, Slam, Tackle, Acid Armor, Power-Upwardly Punch, Taunt, Lick
  90. Shellder: Barrier, Ice Beam, Withdraw, Iron Defense, Bubble
  91. Cloyster: Bulwark, Water ice Beam, Withdraw, Icy Wind, Supersonic, Rock Blast, Spikes, Icicle Crash
  92. Gastly: Astonish, Sucker Punch, Smog, Lick
  93. Haunter: Amaze, Sucker Punch, Smog, Lick
  94. Gengar: Astonish, Sucker Punch, Smog, Lick, Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Mega Drain, Misfile Ray, Toxic
  95. Onix: Rock Throw, Lick, Stone Polish, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm, Atomic number 26 Tail, Flash Canon, Stone Blast, Rock Tomb, Roar, Harden
  96. Drowzee: Psybeam, Barrier, Taunt, Light Screen, Flash
  97. Hypno: Psybeam, Bulwark, Taunt, Light Screen, Psychic, Shadow Brawl, Hypnosis, Meditate
  98. Krabby: Surf, Leer, Harden, Flail, Stomp
  99. Kingler: Surf, Leer, Harden, Flail, Stomp, Giga Touch on, Slam
  100. Voltorb: Self-Destruct, Rollout, Taunt, Thunder, Shock, Tackle
  101. Electrode: Self-Destruct, Rollout, Taunt, Thunder Shock, Tackle, Lite Screen, Explosion, Thunderbolt
  102. Exeggcute: Synthesis, Leech Seed, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Flash
  103. Exeggutor: Synthesis, Leech Seed, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Flash, Egg Bomb, Bullet Seed, Solar Axle, Stun Spore, Stomp
  104. Cubone: Sandstorm, Bonemerang, Growl, Leer, Focus Energy
  105. Marowak: Sandstorm, Bonemerang, Outrage, Rock Tomb, Earthquake, Aeriform Ace, Belly Drum
  106. Hitmonlee: Bulk Up, Meditate, Close Combat, Rolling Kick, Submission, Focus Energy, Rock Smash, Bounce, Loftier Jump Kick, Sucker Punch
  107. Hitmonchan: Comet Punch, Power-Upwards Punch, Close Combat, Drain Dial, Ice Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Rock Smash, Mega Punch, Thunder Dial
  108. Lickitung: Belly Drum, Slam, Rock Smash, Mega Punch, Stomp, Rollout, Lick, Ability-Upward Punch, Amnesia
  109. Koffing: Self-Destruct, Flamethrower, Smog, Lava Feather, Sludge Flop
  110. Weezing: Self-Destruct, Flamethrower, Smog, Lava Plume, Sludge Bomb, Explosion, Venom Drench
  111. Rhyhorn: Crunch, Roar, Stomp, Atomic number 26 Tail, Take Downwardly, Flail, Tackle
  112. Rhydon: Crunch, Roar, Stomp, Iron Tail, Accept Downwards, Dragon Rush, Megahorn, Earthquake, Rock Smash, Rock Polish
  113. Chansey: Egg Bomb, Light Screen, Sweetness Buss, Soft-Boiled, Amuse, Mega Punch, Stone Nail, Flail, Sing, Take Down
  114. Tangela: Stun Spore, Rest, Rage Pulverisation, Synthesis, Amnesia, Slam, Vine Whip, Mega Drain, Substitute, Leech Seed
  115. Kangaskhan: Focus Free energy, Take Downwards, Outrage, Mega Dial, Crunch, Rock Tomb, Stomp, Leer, Rest, Power-Up Punch
  116. Horsea: Twister, Icy Wind, Agility, Whirlpool, Bubble
  117. Seadra: Twister, Icy Wind, Agility, Whirlpool, Bubble, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Flash Cannon
  118. Goldeen: Flail, Surf, Aqua Jet, Splash, Take Down
  119. Seaking: Flail, Surf, Aqua Jet, Megahorn, Waterfall, Agility
  120. Staryu: Ice Axle, Icy Air current, Twister, Flash Cannon, Flash
  121. Starmie: Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Twister, Flash Cannon, Wink, Hydro Pump, Confuse Ray, Blizzard, Psychic, Hyper Beam
  122. Mr. Mime: Substitute, Follow Me, Nasty Plot, Charm, Hypnosis, Taunt, Barrier, Psychic, Calorie-free Screen, Meditate
  123. Scyther: Lunge, Tailwind, Silverish Wind, Steel Wing, Night Slash, Agility, U-plow, Aerial Ace, Stone Boom, Swords Dance
  124. Jynx: Sing, Ice Axle, Psychic, Draining Kiss, Flash, Blizzard, Aurora Veil
  125. Electabuzz: Thunder Shock, Charge, Meditate, Ability-Up Punch, Dynamic Punch, Thunder Dial, Cantankerous Chop, Thunder, Electroweb, Thunderbolt
  126. Magmar: Will-O-Wisp, Burn Blast, Cantankerous Chop, Flamethrower, Smog, Belly Pulsate, Follow Me, Flare Blitz
  127. Pinsir: Convulsion, Harden, Accept Down, Majority Upward, Close Combat, Rock Smash, Focus Free energy, Submission, Rock Tomb
  128. Tauros: Take Down, Hyper Beam, Blizzard, Flamethrower, Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Fe Tail, Giga Affect
  129. Magikarp: Bounce, Flail, Tackle, Splash
  130. Gyarados: Bounce, Flail, Tackle, Splash, Crunch, Taunt, Outrage, Hyper Beam, Waterfall, Dragon Trip the light fantastic toe
  131. Lapras: Aqua Ring, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Aurora Veil, Growl, Rest, Icicle Crash, Sing
  132. Ditto: Transform
  133. Eevee: Take Down, Dig, Charm, Flail, Growl
  134. Vaporeon: Take Down, Dig, Charm, Waterfall, Acid Armor, Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump, Whirlpool
  135. Jolteon: Accept Down, Dig, Charm, Thunderbolt, Spark, Pin Missile, Thunder
  136. Flareon: Take Down, Dig, Charm, Ember, Flamethrower, Flare Rush, Lava Plume
  137. Porygon: Recover, Agility, Hyper Beam, Shadow Brawl, Thunderbolt, Atomic number 26 Tail, Ice Beam, Tri Attack, Flamethrower, Psybeam
  138. Omanyte: Bubble, Hydro Pump, Whirlpool, Icy Current of air, Spikes, Withdraw
  139. Omastar: Bubble, Hydro Pump, Whirlpool, Ice Beam, Rock Smoothen, Supersonic
  140. Kabuto: Withdraw, Stone Tomb, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Metal Sound, Surf
  141. Kabutops: Withdraw, Rock Tomb, Waterfall, Aerial Ace, Night Slash
  142. Aerodactyl: Convulsion, Dragon Hook, Accept Downwards, Roost, Crunch, Wing, Sandstorm, Sky Attack, Agility, Rock Tomb
  143. Snorlax: Play Rough, Giga Bear upon, Outrage, Rest, Take Downward, Rollout, Earthquake, Abdomen Drum, Mega Dial, Harden, Amnesia
  144. Articuno: Sky Attack, Agility, Blizzard, Steel Wing, Icy Wind, U-plough, Hurricane, Aurora Veil, Roost, Ice Beam
  145. Zapdos: Thunder Stupor, Drill Peck, Agility, Thunder, Charge, Metal Sound, Sky Attack, Roost, Thunderbolt, Light Screen
  146. Moltres: Ember, Sky Attack, Burn Spin, Leer, Lava Plume, Burn down Smash, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Heat Wave, Roost
  147. Dratini: Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Agility, Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed
  148. Dragonair: Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Agility, Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed, Earthquake, Twister
  149. Dragonite: Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Agility, Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed, Earthquake, Twister, Draco Shooting star, Outrage, Hyper Beam
  150. Mewtwo: Hyper Beam, Giga Touch, Psychic, Recover, Thunderbolt, Majority Up, Blizzard, Shadow Brawl, Psystrike, Psycho Cutting
  151. Mew: Hyper Beam, Giga Affect, Psychic, Recover, Thunder, Amnesia, Heat Wave, Flash Cannon, Tri Assault, Teleport, Light Screen
At that place are 152 Pokémon in Pokémon Quest, each with their own unique moves and movesets.
© Game Freak

Information technology'southward a pretty long list, so if you're reading this in a browser and are having a hard time finding a item Pokémon, you can always hit Control + F to bring up a search bar.

And then, only type in the name of the Pokémon you're looking for and it should highlight where that Pokémon is on this list. Additionally, you tin bookmark this list and keep it handy while playing Pokémon Quest to help spot a worthy Pokémon for capture!

For more on Pokémon Quest, be sure to cheque out some of our other guides including how to craft the Ambrosia of Legends a la Cube recipe, how to farm Honey in Pokémon Quest, and how to teach Pokémon new moves in Pokémon Quest.

Past reading through this guide, yous should now know the moves and movesets of all Pokémon in Pokémon Quest.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially bad-mannered coffee addict. Need something? Morgan tin can exist reached at or if you similar, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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